Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yeah, yeah. I did it again.

I neglected the blog.

So, so sorry. I apologize for leaving you masses to an internet catatonic state.

Yeah, I've probably gotten like five hits in blog history, let alone in this three-month departure. I have no reason to be apologetic to anyone.

But for those of you readers who have wondered what I've been up to the last few months, I'm here to fill in. However, life has been a mountain highway ride lately, and there's a lot of twists and turns. Heads up, time for a bulleted list.

So here it is, the wicked cool bulleted list of things I've done since my last post:

- I finished my first semester at UGA. Passed every class, did fairly well in fact (minus my Psychology class, which we'll mosey away from). And now that I'm Christmas break and can look back it, I can honestly say it was most likely the most drastic change of my life. It was up and down, good and bad and everything in between. There were times when I didn't think I would make it, and times that I never hoped would end. And in the end, I can truthfully say that it was all worth it. I learned to live on my own, all while going to an absolutely incredible university. I also spent a ton of money. That's another story.

- I made some great friends. After feeling rather dumb compared to everyone else, I start to establish some identity and figured out what things made me individual. After that, I didn't feel so stupid. I anchored a pub trivia team to a league championship, and learned along the way that I know a lot of useless information that no one else knows. I also know more about sports than 99 percent of the common population. Once I realized all of this, I had twice as many friends as I probably used to.

- I got a girlfriend. What's that you say? A real girlfriend?! Indeed so. It seems I found the outlier I spoke of in an earlier post. We met at the tail end of the semester, right around finals. It's a fairly young relationship, but a wonderful one nevertheless. She's a perfect mix of what I need: a dreamer with huge aspirations and the drive to pursue them, yet so down-to-earth that she sustains a life at a level I can be comfortable with. Pretty, pretty eyes, a cute smile, and one of the most humble personalities I've found in a while. A definite keeper. More will be spoken of her.

- I watched a lot of football. Ok, so the season didn't quite turn out how most Georgia fans would've envisioned it, but we got a couple of glimpses of the future, including a future without quarterback Joe Cox and a couple of sloppy defenders. The season was redeemed at the end of the year, with a huge 30-24 win over Georgia Tech. We now look to the Independence Bowl for a date with Texas A&M, then an offseason full of big-time recruiting, new coordinator hirings and sweet, sweet dreams of a new freshman quarterback next season.

- I watched a ton of hockey. On TV and in person (Already hit up the arena four times!). It's the best start in Thrashers history, as they currently slide into the sixth spot in the Eastern Conference. They've sucked as late, but there's plenty of time to turn it up as the trade deadline approaches. A couple more wins, and Ilya Kovalchuk is thinking twice about creating contract snags. Impressed? Not completely, but more than usual.

That about wraps it up. Now it's Christmas Break (as I post this on my brand-new laptop), and I begin to ponder the prospects of the new decade looming ever so quietly. No real concrete resolutions for myself this year. Just hoping for more good times at UGA, wonderful days ahead for my girlfriend and I, and successful seasons for my beloved teams.

Oh yeah, one official resolution. Blog more.



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Things With the Word "Southeast" in it.

In an attempt to increase readership (from zero readers to one), I think I'm going to start advertising the blog on my Facebook page. This means two things:

1. I must update more often in order to satisfy the masses.
2. I must prepare to battle the scrutiny of my peers.

Here's to the effort accomplish both.

As of now, it's been eons since I've updated this thing. Long enough for TWO Georgia games to pass. Oh boy, I have a lot to say, so lock your safety restraint and keep your arms and legs inside the train as it leaves the station and approaches the lift hill.

So Georgia started the season ranked No. 13 with a goliath of a Week 1 opponent in Oklahoma State awaiting them. Poised to be the typical "team from the better conference" and force an upset, the Bulldogs instead headed to Stillwater and played shaky football, losing 24-10. The result was a plummet to No. 21, while the Cowboys jumped up to No. 5.

We were upset for, like, five minutes. Then we realized that Oklahoma State was "the new Texas Tech" in the Big 12, and could very much be a conference contender. After that, we got drunk.

Then Week 2 came around. And Oklahoma State lost.

To Houston. No, not the Texans. The Conference USA team. Yeah, those guys.

We all knew what it was going to take to for Georgia not to look like a lost cause--a beatdown of South Carolina. A non-ranked SEC team coming to Sanford. That could definitely happen, right?

Um, we came one play shy of losing.

And oh yeah, we dropped again. To No. 23. Oklahoma State is No. 16. And we look like crap.

Meanwhile, FOUR SEC cracked the Top 10. We went from being a possible contender to Oscar the Grouch of the SEC Sesame Street. In two weeks.

So where does Georgia go from here? 1-1, one embarassing loss and one embarrasing win. One week we get one touchdown, the next we pile up 41, while allowing a crapload of points and yards. We've become an NFL team. The playing field appears to be even no matter what, so we may or may not win every week. There's no guarantee.

This week, the Bulldogs visit Arkansas, an SEC outlier that has one win under its belt this year--a 48-10 over Missouri State. I can barely count that as a football game.

Georgia could possibly get a boost by walloping the Razorbacks. They haven't played anyone yet, and I'm sure Mark Richt has enough fire enough right now to strike fear in his players should they not improve this week.

But, as emphasized in the aforementioned statement, who knows that to expect? I honestly can't predict this team right now. We can gather around the big screen with our chips and salsa and assume that we're going to annihilate an non-ranked opponent since we have a rank. But we can't really do that anymore. We have to be on our toes.

So here's the scenarios we can expect Saturday:

1. We win big, and preserve at least a little intimidation. If we hold Arkansas to single digits, while breaking, say, 30, we stay in the rankings. We might even move up a bit.
2. We win by a squeaker, like last week. The offense sucks. the defense cracks again. Arkansas is better than we think. Any combination of those. We likely drop again, and face falling out of the Top 25 for the first time in ages.
3. We lose. We automatically drop out. We question our team's status. We consider calling this a "rebuilding year."

If this season is a snowman, this week's game is where we start seeing the shape of body. We know where things are going, but the carrot nose and stick arms aren't on yet.



Friday, September 4, 2009

College football is here!

At this point, I'm starting to realize that this blog is turning a sports blog. Frankly, I'm ok with that, since anything otherwise is so unimportant its not worth wasting HTML over.

But what is worth blabbing about is the fact that God's gift to Earth called college football has finally arrived! It officially began yesterday, with good matchups between South Carolina and North Carolina State, as well as Boise State and Oregon.

The South Carolina-NC State game was pretty good for the amount that I saw. I watched the opening kickoff and the entire first quarter, left to study for a bit, then came back for the fourth quarter. Since Georgia has the Gamecocks next week, I wanted to see what was coming our way. South Carolina is a good team, but had its sloppy moments, hopefully something Georgia can take advantage of next week.

As for the west coast game, Boise State was all over Oregon. Oregon was AWFUL in the first half; I think they had only 14 total offensive yards (too lazy to check ESPN). I don't know if it was the blue turf or what, but I can't imagine the Ducks staying at No. 16, or even in the rankings for that matter, if they play like that the rest of the season.

The Boise State win was also the Broncos' 50th staight at home. I think it's about time to start considering a conference move. Year after year, Boise State gets cupcake opponents within its conference, when it has made clear that it belongs in a automatic BCS conference. Throw them in with the Pac-10 and let a team drop out. Shit, let's get British soccer-style delegation going on and send Washington packing.

Oh, and Ducks running back LeGarrette Blount punched a dude in the face. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Saturday also brings so more good Week 1 battles. In the past, a ranked team's first opponent of the season was typically an FCS team or a mid-major conference pushover. That trend looks to be dwindling, as Georgia goes up against ninth-ranked Oklahoma State tomorrow. How's that for a wake-up call?

Of course, the ruckus on campus is what you'd think: "Dawgs are gonna go apeshit on O-kay State," in light of what happened when the Cowboys came to Athens two years ago. Eh, this isn't the same Oklahoma State team, and quite frankly, I'm kind of worried. The Cowboys have a lot to play for in this game. It seems that there's only room for three bruisers in the Big 12 each season. Last year, it was Oklahoma, Texas, and Texas Tech. Now that Texas Tech is rebuilding, the Cowboys are the favorite to slide into Big 12 triforce. And what better way to do it than beat a very good SEC team.

But, of course, I'm confident in the Bulldogs. They too have a lot to play for. This is the first chance, and a very good chance, to state that Georgia was more than Stafford and Moreno. A win this week might open the curtain to the Top 10, as well as improve their status in the SEC.

If the Bulldogs come ready to play, I give them a 41-35 win in Stillwater. If not, then things could fall apart quickly.

Until next time,
- Mitch

Friday, August 28, 2009

My take on Michael Vick

I love my dog.

You love your dog. My mom loves her dog. My dad loves his dog. My sister loves her dogs. My friends love their dogs.

And I like Michael Vick.

And it displeases me to see people giving Vick such a hard time about his past when all he's trying to do is put it behind him by returning to football. He could have easily given up on the game, like so many athletes do when they run into trouble, but at least he's trying to live up to the potential he was once slated to have.

What makes me even more disgruntled with this whole situation is the identity of the anti-Vick groups that have conjugated around the Philadelphia Eagles organization. Go on ESPN or Google some pictures of these groups. Do they really look like a bunch of die-hard football fans that have the knowledge of the league to understand that there are former criminals that have done far worse things, actively playing?

No, they don't. They look like a bunch of mindless animal rights activists that will jump on any case that involves an abused animal (see PETA's approach to Obama killing a fly during an interview).

So how many of these people would still be out there, picketing and bitching about Vick's past, if they knew about Dante Stallworth, Pacman Jones, or even Plaxico Burress to an extent?

Leave sports-related protesting to sports fans. Vick is not a dogfighting organizer anymore. He's a FOOTBALL PLAYER.

Now, I don't condone animal abuse by any means. I've owned lots of pets over the years and would never considering harming them. But I'm also not saying that what Vick did was right. But it is right that Vick came back to football, where he belongs.

Welcome back to the NFL, Mr. Vick. May your NFL career thrive, stress-free from here until retirement.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Sports blog!

Fall approaches.

That bodes good things for me. My two favorite sports are about to start, and this year will likely be the best ever (for me, not those sports). Football starts in a matter of weeks, while hockey starts in October.

Now that I'm active on the UGA campus, I've been hit with a cinder block of hysterical college football anticipation. I ordered a season ticket package ($48, bitches!), but due to my "transfer student" status, I'll likely only get half a season. And they won't be the exciting games either. Hello, Tennessee Tech, Kentucky and Arizona State!

But any ticket's a good ticket, since I've never been to a game in my entire life. Ah, the perks of being a student.

I have a pretty good feeling about this season. Like a lot of SEC teams, we have constant "turnover" framework and perennial recruiting classes that lead us to expect a decent season of at least eight or nine wins, as usual. Barring a slew of injuries (again), we're hearing second in the SEC East and a likely Capital One appearance again.

But I like to think of this season as redemption. Last year, Georgia was preseason No. 1, and ESPN and every other national sports network was getting off to the offense, the superstars, blah blah blah. Then injuries came, Tebow and his brigade surged, and we slipped. Sub-par to preseason impressions, but Jesus (the real one, not Tebow), 10-2 IS A GOOD RECORD.

This year, no one's watching us. We're sleepers, if you will. Florida gets to deal with the preseason crap. For the first time in over a year, ESPN is backing the fuck off.

You wouldn't imagine how much of a help that is.

Or maybe you can.

Either way, it was evident at preseason media day (which I got the pleasure of going to) that this year's team is a far more focused Bulldogs. Richt likes not having the hype on his team, which allows them to find their own identity, not just "No. 1." No more weaving through the traffic cones of press, as I was that day (snicker).

Talking to the players was a relief, as well. I was impressed by Joe Cox's character and comfort around so many people, two things I think Stafford was, well, undeniably, no, fucking terrible with. Quarterbacks have to be approachable and intelligent, and Cox definitely brings that to the table. He's had plenty of time to get ready for this, which also makes me confident in him. This ain't no true freshman.

After speaking with Cox, as well as A.J. Green (chilled out black dude), Rennie Curran (stocky, scary-ass black dude), Shaun Chapas (stocky, scary-ass white dude), and Geno Atkins (real-life version of Jax from Mortal Kombat), the response about the lower ranking and lack of attention was the same: they like it.

And I can see where they're coming from. Who cares about rankings and hype? There's no glam and Tebow-ness here, and I think the players realize that. It was time to stop giving a fuck about everything and just play football without worrying about rankings, preseason opinions and all the worthless crap that come with it.

Hell yeah!

Whoops, guess I was supposed to go into hockey talk here. Not enough time. Next time, friends, next time.

Class time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Greetings, from Athens!

Well, I've moved in, and classes have started. In fact, my first week is almost over.

So far, things haven't been that bad. My classes will definitely be challenging, but I feel that I can get some solid A's and B's with some effort.

The roommates have been pretty good so far. I haven't had problems yet, so hopefully that's a good sign for things to come this year. It's also been a while since I've met so many people in such a short span of time. We had a little housewarming party last weekend, and have another one coming up tomorrow. I'm always up for getting to meet people, so here's to the night.

It seems like every day I shed a little bit more of my Gainesville self. I guess this is my transformation into total independence, and I couldn't be more excited. I don't regret making the decision to come here at all; this place is a great balance between a good education and a great price, as well as a social commerce. A definite recommendation in my book.

There are some downs, though. I still feel like I'm inferior to the people around me. Most of them got into UGA as freshmen, making them outstanding high school students that were heavily involved and made top-tier grades. While I like to consider myself an excellent high school student, I didn't get in to UGA as a freshman, and it took me three years of college before I could come here. And for that, I feel stupid. And I probably won't shed that notion until I see my first grade this semester.

I also miss the diversity of the past. Most UGA students appear to be similar; they dress the same, they engage in the same activities, and so forth. Being one who likes to find the different in someone, I still feel like an outlier. I'm optimistic in the thought that there's a group of people I can feel comfortable with. It's just a matter of finding them. Until then, I'm just a free agent.

And I can already tell, with the way the girls appear to be here, I can look forward to a solid 2 years of being single. Let's hope for another outlier.

Outta here,

Saturday, August 8, 2009


These entries are getting pretty sporadic, but then again, I never promised to blog on a tentative schedule. They come whenever I get a chance. Deal.

Right now, I'm taking a quick break from cleaning out my room and getting rid of old stuff. Then I'll get ready for the actual packing.

Easy job for just one room, right? Wrong. I'm actually taking it with mixed emotions. One side of me tells me I'm ready for a change in my life. A new home, new school, new job (eventually), and so many other news. It'll be exciting, yet challenging. UGA is a great school and I think it'll be a great place for a ambitious student such as myself.

But another side of me says I'm not ready. I'm afraid I'll break under the weight of so many new experiences coming at once. Really, the only constants I have are my stuff, my car, and my family. Gone is Gainesville State College, The Times, and, as of recent, my girlfriend.

I don't even feel like I'm the same person I was a few weeks ago. This may, in fact, be one of the biggest corners I've turned so far in my life.

But no one stays on the interstate forever. That's what exits are for, and I guess mine is coming up.

I could probably mope about this more, but there's no point in getting down when school starts in a little over a week. Motivation has never been more important than now, so let's keep cleaning and packing.

Athens, here I come.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

But tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet

This entry almost didn't happen.

Why? Because I can't remember passwords. I don't have many passwords (don't act like you have a different password for every different username), but I struggle to remember what password is valid for which username at said website. I was this close (holding my fingers CLOSE together) to giving up. But I got it. Uncork the champagne.

It won't be long until I move out. I'll be in my new apartment in Athens on August 14. In fact, I made my first rent payment Saturday. Barring a glitch in the online rent payment system, I'm set for the month. Of course, I am expecting a glitch, or some way that the apartment complex (which will remain anonymous) will fuck it up. The cow always gets tipped in my direction.

So of course, I've been spending the past little while cleaning things up at home and getting ready to pack and say goodbye to the basement that I've called my cave for the past 4-5 years (not quite sure when I moved downstairs). This means cleaning out my closet, which, until today, was an enclosed space filled with old clothes and random boxes in no uniform fashion. I can't remember the last time I was able to close the door.

I spent five hours today cleaning it, collecting four giant garbage bags worth of junk that I don't need anymore. Old software, schoolwork (dating back to senior year), junk from exes, you name it. It all had to go.

Boy, did I take a trip down memory lane during the clean. Finding old papers I wrote, letters from people I used to "love," and so forth. As useless as this stuff is, it was tough to let some of that old stuff go. Especially the ancient computer games (we're talking MS-DOS boot-up games) that I played for hours on end as a young'n, but are just too scratched up and damaged to keep. Oh well, most of those games are available for download online nowadays.

I finally finished cleaning, and there's parts of the floor in my closet that I haven't seen in years. Now I just have to keep it clean for another two weeks.

Two weeks.

It's so hard to believe that in a mere two weeks, my entire life is going change, in more ways than ever before. New school. New home. New lifestyle. New job (when I can find one). New everything. The only constants are family, girlfriend, car, and whatever friends decide to stay in touch. It's almost scary to think about, seeing how I still have so much to accomplish before making the jump. I'll represent The Times at UGA this week for pre-season media day, while doing a high school football story (my specialty) and getting some preseason volleyball caps ready (not my specialty). The upcoming weeks may be the busiest of my life. Not to mention I have to apply to Grady somewhere in there. There goes my sleep.

At the same time, these are the weeks that stand as trials. If I can conquer this, I can conquer anything. A lot of people have high hopes for me; can't let them down.

That's all for now. NHL 09 calls.

Until we meet again,

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Holy shit, I'm back!

I can't keep up with this blogging business. Every time I say I'm going to keep updating, I always end up neglecting my blog, and it ends up suspended in Internet disquietude.

Maybe I should approach this with a new mind set: DON'T say you'll keep updating. That way you 1) reverse-jinx yourself into ignoring your blog again, or 2) go the extra mile to overcome the effort.

This time, I probably shouldn't restrict myself to what is discussed on this thing. Rather, let it be collective nest of my thoughts, actions, beliefs, bitchings, etc. One day you could have Atlanta Thrashers talk; the next, my jealousy of the carefree day-by-day lifestyle my cat enjoys.

And as usual, I'm well aware that no is EVER going to read this. Even if I were to pay them. This means I can use foul language and be as obscene and offending as I want. I stick my tongue out in self-content.

So what's been going on in my not-so-celebrity life? A lot or a little, depending what "life excitement scale" you're using, and whether it's metric or American units. For me, it's been exciting, yet quite routine. Allow me to explain.

I spend the majority of the summer learning Spanish. Because it was not by choice, I still don't speak the language fluently. I needed to complete my foreign language requirements (on language through the 2001 level), and decided I might as well do it all at once, while it's fresh in my mind. Got through it, made A's in all three courses, surprisingly, and waved goodbye to lovely little educational institution called Gainesville State College.

So why did I volunteer to spend two-thirds of my summer enclosed in a classroom, learning the native tongue of Atlanta Highway.

Because, I'm starting college here!

That's right, broski, I'm finishing up my education at a school that people have actually heard of: The University of Georgia. Majoring in Journalism and a certificate in New Media. I start this fall, and, of course, I plan on documenting all my experiences in my blog.

It's been nothing but a headache that could kill a small child involving the transfer process; getting credits moved, finding a job, finding a place to live, figuring out Athens, etc. It hasn't been fun, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Once things get settled and I get in the swing of things, I think I'll be able to navigate.

I would write every little detail, but then what would be point of ever blogging again?

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Introduction (again)

Ok, I honestly have no idea how many times I've started a blog, only to stop posting like 30 seconds later. SO THIS TIME, I'm going to at least try to stay consistent and provide all ZERO of you with some good ol' fashioned Mitch-humor.

Stay tuned.

In the meantime...I hate this template, but I'm too blue collar to make my own.
