Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yeah, yeah. I did it again.

I neglected the blog.

So, so sorry. I apologize for leaving you masses to an internet catatonic state.

Yeah, I've probably gotten like five hits in blog history, let alone in this three-month departure. I have no reason to be apologetic to anyone.

But for those of you readers who have wondered what I've been up to the last few months, I'm here to fill in. However, life has been a mountain highway ride lately, and there's a lot of twists and turns. Heads up, time for a bulleted list.

So here it is, the wicked cool bulleted list of things I've done since my last post:

- I finished my first semester at UGA. Passed every class, did fairly well in fact (minus my Psychology class, which we'll mosey away from). And now that I'm Christmas break and can look back it, I can honestly say it was most likely the most drastic change of my life. It was up and down, good and bad and everything in between. There were times when I didn't think I would make it, and times that I never hoped would end. And in the end, I can truthfully say that it was all worth it. I learned to live on my own, all while going to an absolutely incredible university. I also spent a ton of money. That's another story.

- I made some great friends. After feeling rather dumb compared to everyone else, I start to establish some identity and figured out what things made me individual. After that, I didn't feel so stupid. I anchored a pub trivia team to a league championship, and learned along the way that I know a lot of useless information that no one else knows. I also know more about sports than 99 percent of the common population. Once I realized all of this, I had twice as many friends as I probably used to.

- I got a girlfriend. What's that you say? A real girlfriend?! Indeed so. It seems I found the outlier I spoke of in an earlier post. We met at the tail end of the semester, right around finals. It's a fairly young relationship, but a wonderful one nevertheless. She's a perfect mix of what I need: a dreamer with huge aspirations and the drive to pursue them, yet so down-to-earth that she sustains a life at a level I can be comfortable with. Pretty, pretty eyes, a cute smile, and one of the most humble personalities I've found in a while. A definite keeper. More will be spoken of her.

- I watched a lot of football. Ok, so the season didn't quite turn out how most Georgia fans would've envisioned it, but we got a couple of glimpses of the future, including a future without quarterback Joe Cox and a couple of sloppy defenders. The season was redeemed at the end of the year, with a huge 30-24 win over Georgia Tech. We now look to the Independence Bowl for a date with Texas A&M, then an offseason full of big-time recruiting, new coordinator hirings and sweet, sweet dreams of a new freshman quarterback next season.

- I watched a ton of hockey. On TV and in person (Already hit up the arena four times!). It's the best start in Thrashers history, as they currently slide into the sixth spot in the Eastern Conference. They've sucked as late, but there's plenty of time to turn it up as the trade deadline approaches. A couple more wins, and Ilya Kovalchuk is thinking twice about creating contract snags. Impressed? Not completely, but more than usual.

That about wraps it up. Now it's Christmas Break (as I post this on my brand-new laptop), and I begin to ponder the prospects of the new decade looming ever so quietly. No real concrete resolutions for myself this year. Just hoping for more good times at UGA, wonderful days ahead for my girlfriend and I, and successful seasons for my beloved teams.

Oh yeah, one official resolution. Blog more.



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