Sunday, August 2, 2009

But tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet

This entry almost didn't happen.

Why? Because I can't remember passwords. I don't have many passwords (don't act like you have a different password for every different username), but I struggle to remember what password is valid for which username at said website. I was this close (holding my fingers CLOSE together) to giving up. But I got it. Uncork the champagne.

It won't be long until I move out. I'll be in my new apartment in Athens on August 14. In fact, I made my first rent payment Saturday. Barring a glitch in the online rent payment system, I'm set for the month. Of course, I am expecting a glitch, or some way that the apartment complex (which will remain anonymous) will fuck it up. The cow always gets tipped in my direction.

So of course, I've been spending the past little while cleaning things up at home and getting ready to pack and say goodbye to the basement that I've called my cave for the past 4-5 years (not quite sure when I moved downstairs). This means cleaning out my closet, which, until today, was an enclosed space filled with old clothes and random boxes in no uniform fashion. I can't remember the last time I was able to close the door.

I spent five hours today cleaning it, collecting four giant garbage bags worth of junk that I don't need anymore. Old software, schoolwork (dating back to senior year), junk from exes, you name it. It all had to go.

Boy, did I take a trip down memory lane during the clean. Finding old papers I wrote, letters from people I used to "love," and so forth. As useless as this stuff is, it was tough to let some of that old stuff go. Especially the ancient computer games (we're talking MS-DOS boot-up games) that I played for hours on end as a young'n, but are just too scratched up and damaged to keep. Oh well, most of those games are available for download online nowadays.

I finally finished cleaning, and there's parts of the floor in my closet that I haven't seen in years. Now I just have to keep it clean for another two weeks.

Two weeks.

It's so hard to believe that in a mere two weeks, my entire life is going change, in more ways than ever before. New school. New home. New lifestyle. New job (when I can find one). New everything. The only constants are family, girlfriend, car, and whatever friends decide to stay in touch. It's almost scary to think about, seeing how I still have so much to accomplish before making the jump. I'll represent The Times at UGA this week for pre-season media day, while doing a high school football story (my specialty) and getting some preseason volleyball caps ready (not my specialty). The upcoming weeks may be the busiest of my life. Not to mention I have to apply to Grady somewhere in there. There goes my sleep.

At the same time, these are the weeks that stand as trials. If I can conquer this, I can conquer anything. A lot of people have high hopes for me; can't let them down.

That's all for now. NHL 09 calls.

Until we meet again,

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