Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is my girlfriend.

She means the absolute world to me. There is no one I would rather spend a free day with. She's wonderful in all aspects.

Recently, we got into, well, I don't want to call it a fight. Maybe more of an emotional disagreement.

I sometimes struggle to believe in myself. Too many times in the past I've tried to go beyond the norm for someone I'm feel for, only to come up short.

Now I kind of feel like I'm constantly having to be the very, very best that I can for someone in all ways possible. And if I'm not, I'm going to lose them. It's happened way too many times.

I once again have a person in my life that I want to introduce to new, exciting things. Take her places. Be someone different than just another face in her life.

And when I feel that I'm not that person, I feel like I'm not doing my job to the fullest.

Being a boyfriend can be hard.

But she keeps giving me reasons to stay by her side.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Greetings from Athens (Again)

Well, I'm back in Athens.

I've been here for about a week now. It's nice to be back in the groove of things after spending most of my Christmas Break sleeping on a couch. Classes aren't too bad. News Writing, New Media Production, and two absolutely thrilling History classes. Electives. Bleh. It's a pretty straightforward goal this semester: B average. All A's would be nice, but I can't shoot for the highest stars.

It seems that the glamour of a new semester has worn off. It wasn't ever really there. I guess that's due in part with the fact that I've been doing this for four years now (no, I'm not graduating just yet). It has almost become routine at this point to assume that I'll be in school and just taking one class after another for most of the year.

Not going to lie, school is boring, and I want it to be over soon. Not complaining about the classes itself, they're fine. I suppose the desire of wanting to get out and get on with my life is slowly crawling on me. It's been fun being young, and it's been nothing short of a privilege to have the college experience I've had. Not everyone gets to attend a top-shelf J-school at a nationally-acknowledged university.

But now, at the old-man age of 21, I want to move forward. Now that I'm a legal liquid consumer, the glitz and glam of alcohol consumption has diminished, and now I see a beer as a refreshing beverage and nothing else. Parties are still fun, but not the hullabaloo of college it once was. Call me crazy, or just call me...grown up?

I'm a more relaxed person than I used to be. I don't mind it at all. I used to get angry too much. Now I barely get angry at all, at least with others. I've become more tolerant of the hardships in life. I'm coming to discover that things could be a lot worse. They're not really even that bad anyway; I have it pretty well right now.

If all goes well this year, I'll get to do some traveling. A trip planned with my parents in the summer, and another small trip with The Lady once her dad gives us the green light to head out. Change of scenery will be very much welcomed.

At least for a temporary amount of time. I still have too much here to leave behind just yet. Not that I had contemplated any concrete departing plans anyway.

In the meantime, I continue to just paddle along the ebb and flow of Athens. There's still work to be done.



Monday, January 4, 2010

First Post of 2010

This will likely be a short one, as it's super late and I'm incredibly tired. I figured it's only right that I give this blog a little love before I take off.

I also made a few changes to the layout. Thought I'd give this thing a touch of my school's colors for a sense of individuality (?), and because the default template colors I previously used were putrid.

Well, it's 2010. A whole new year, and a whole new decade (to those who agree that the decade begins on the zero year and NOT the one year). We're venturing into the thicket of the 21st century, and not a single car has taken to the sky yet. Cell phones are replacing computers, ancient sports records are being broken one by one, and the History Channel believes we only have two years left before life on Earth is completely eradicated. Better get some canned survival food.

A new year is like a your second trip to the buffet. You get a new plate, you have a variety of food to choose, and what you do to that plate is up to you. Right now, at the beginning of the year, the plate is clean, but as you add more to it, it gets messy, yet could possibly turn out better than the last trip.

And there you have it, folks. The worst analogy ever created.

Nevertheless, while 2010 offers new resolutions and goals for many, my 2010 appears to be a continuation of things I've already set out for. I'll be in school, now fully settled into UGA. I'll eventually have a new job, and I may actually take some time out of my life to start thinking about my future. My girlfriend and I began dating about halfway through December, meaning we have this whole year to make great memories. All in all, it looks to be a pretty straightforward 365 days ahead.

However, if there's one goal I would like to set for myself, it's promising myself to travel a bit in the near future. I will be seeing the Grand Canyon this summer, and plan on using some family inheritance money to have a small vacation with my girlfriend. Then it'll be time to start saving some money for the post-graduation adventure across Europe, which anyone with a desire to be educated in culture should do at some point. I'm tired of being pinned down in Northeast Georgia. Time to set sail.

For now, my only option is to set sail to my bed.

