Thursday, July 16, 2009


Holy shit, I'm back!

I can't keep up with this blogging business. Every time I say I'm going to keep updating, I always end up neglecting my blog, and it ends up suspended in Internet disquietude.

Maybe I should approach this with a new mind set: DON'T say you'll keep updating. That way you 1) reverse-jinx yourself into ignoring your blog again, or 2) go the extra mile to overcome the effort.

This time, I probably shouldn't restrict myself to what is discussed on this thing. Rather, let it be collective nest of my thoughts, actions, beliefs, bitchings, etc. One day you could have Atlanta Thrashers talk; the next, my jealousy of the carefree day-by-day lifestyle my cat enjoys.

And as usual, I'm well aware that no is EVER going to read this. Even if I were to pay them. This means I can use foul language and be as obscene and offending as I want. I stick my tongue out in self-content.

So what's been going on in my not-so-celebrity life? A lot or a little, depending what "life excitement scale" you're using, and whether it's metric or American units. For me, it's been exciting, yet quite routine. Allow me to explain.

I spend the majority of the summer learning Spanish. Because it was not by choice, I still don't speak the language fluently. I needed to complete my foreign language requirements (on language through the 2001 level), and decided I might as well do it all at once, while it's fresh in my mind. Got through it, made A's in all three courses, surprisingly, and waved goodbye to lovely little educational institution called Gainesville State College.

So why did I volunteer to spend two-thirds of my summer enclosed in a classroom, learning the native tongue of Atlanta Highway.

Because, I'm starting college here!

That's right, broski, I'm finishing up my education at a school that people have actually heard of: The University of Georgia. Majoring in Journalism and a certificate in New Media. I start this fall, and, of course, I plan on documenting all my experiences in my blog.

It's been nothing but a headache that could kill a small child involving the transfer process; getting credits moved, finding a job, finding a place to live, figuring out Athens, etc. It hasn't been fun, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Once things get settled and I get in the swing of things, I think I'll be able to navigate.

I would write every little detail, but then what would be point of ever blogging again?

Until next time,